Know how SAP HANA can...

Know how SAP HANA can drive your entire business from end-to-end

February 10, 2017 by Appcentric Solutions, Inc.


SAP provides the most modern suite of business applications that can allow your business to expand with ease and move with confidence. The SAP Business Suite powered by SAP HANA brings together analytics and transactions in to a single next generation platform. This allows you to run a real-time business which can provide personalized offers for new customer experiences, being able to respond immediately to generate higher market responsiveness, and can empower your people so they can engage anywhere, anytime with real-time business insights

Businesses are moving at breakneck speed and changes on your business patterns are happening in real-time. This leaves you with the intense option to make immediate decisions within shorter ruling windows for a quicker value delivered to your customers while dealing with an ever expanding ocean of data. On top of these new developments including cloud, mobility, and in-memory, you can now simply enable your business to open avenues and completely reshape your current and future success.

The SAP Business Suite powered by SAP HANA can drive your entire business from end-to-end. Experience smarter business innovations, faster business processes, and simpler business interactions. This technology will help your business become truly innovation driven, allowing you to rethink your business processes and advance business models smarter than ever before. For example, you could discover business opportunities not visible before with embedded intelligence like predictive analysis in to your transactions, new revenue streams or even risks can be found in record time to amplify your topline growth.

The SAP Business Suite powered by SAP HANA allows you to accelerate your core business processes to make your business a truly data driven one. For example, you can perform multiple MRP (Material Requirements Planning) runs instantly to respond quicker to real-time changes in customer orders. The vision of a real-time MRP can now become a reality. This solution can also help your business become more people driven with inspiring and simple user experiences. For example, by bringing together analytics with transactions, business users can now get real-time business insights at their finger tips across all SAP business suite data and within context. Allowing immediate insight to action to maximize effectiveness.

From solving today’s business issues, to introducing game changing innovations, when you choose the SAP HANA platform, you can take advantage of the new real-time solutions from SAP together with AppCentric Solutions Inc. Philippines, providing your business with incremental value to your SAP Business Suite and innovate without disruption. The future of your business can now begin! Smarter business innovations, faster business processes, and simpler business interactions.

If you are looking for a partner that can help you integrate the SAP Business Suite powered by SAP HANA in to your business or want to know more about this solution, call AppCentric Solutions Inc. today. SAP’s Top Premier Partner in the Philippines. Our hotline is +63 2 759 1510 or email

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